KᵉᵉᵖOⁿKᵉᵉᵖⁱⁿᵍOⁿ, — Rock 'n' Roll Heart

Characterize yourself concisely, — (could you‽). Also, please pay attention to those that are asking about it, after all, nobody’s a thing that can be reduced and described in a few words or a brief narration without any remembrance. Even the movement itself through this universe can’t be summed up in a few phrases.

And yet, for remaining in this atmosphere, and supposing that you really want to know a little bit about me, I invite you to sit comfortably there where you are. Savor whatever makes you feel good till you’ll familiarize yourself with me. (Cool 😉).

Now, let’s move further.
I’m a lover of words who express and identifies herself, crayoning poetic thoughts and romantic ideas wrapped creatively into chicly belles letters. Every day is a new chapter in an assisting story after having been assisted in my DNA’s aggregate for generations. (It’ll continue still, for sure). (I passed it on). (😎)

Additionally, — I’ve planned on earning money by spreading my work, doing collaborations, and receiving donations because, despite that, I’m human just like you, with plenty of needs… (is that a fair-play answer‽). (Ok 🌞).
You’ll find my works signed under nom de plumes, • (CocoDeepBlue), • (CocoEssences), • (PoeticEssences), all stirred gently in that everything of Un P’tit Je Ne Sais Quoi kind, inspired by the mood that the music I listen to it is given to me.

This brought me the satisfaction to be published in a couple of the anthology books. (shhh 🤫, soon I’ll publish my own), till then close your eyes and throw me a smile, please. (😍 Perfect).

From now, I urge you to plunge into my sportive doctrines, sweetened with the magic spell of a song, so able to expose a few shards of visions, cocooned in a bohème story.

Enjoy yourself.
I’ve got (You’ve got) a Rock ’n’ Roll Heart.🫦

un p'tit je ne sais quoi °.○ Poetic Essences ;₎₎ ⁽ᵏᴼᵏᴼ⁾